9:30 a.m. HOLY EUCHARIST in Benton Chapel, 411 21st Ave South, 37240
St. Augustine's main weekly service is the 9:30 a.m. Eucharist. All are invited to Benton Chapel (411 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37240). Masks optional. Nursery available. Age range: infants who can sit up on their own, up to 4-year-olds. The service will also be livestreamed on YouTube.
Parking? Park in the University School of Nashville lot on 21st Ave or paid parking along side streets off 21st Ave.
Healing Prayers are offered the fiirst Sunday of each month during the Eucharist. If you'd like prayer with anointing oil this will be offered during the Eucharist on the side-aisle, opposite of where the Musicians stand.
9:00AM CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER at the Center for Contemplative Justice office, 5201 Alabama Ave, 37209
Centering Prayer is a silent prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. The practice begins with an opening meditation followed by 25 minutes of Centering Prayer followed by an optional coffee and conversation with The Rev. Dr. Scott Owings.
The Center for Contemplative Justice is sponsoring a weekly Centering Prayer at 9 a.m. at the CCJ, 5201 Alabama Ave. All are invited. No experience or long term commitment necessary.
For more information, please contact Scott Owings.